The Dating World - of Networking Groups

others Feb 13, 2024

Imagine you enter a crowded room. You scan the faces there, looking for someone who might have the same interests as you. It’s a room filled with potential connections, and as you try to catch someone’s eye, your heart jumps into your throat, hoping you might find a perfect match.

No, this isn’t Singles’ Night. This is networking.

Let’s be honest: The two are VERY similar.

Networking, like dating, involves making an initial approach. You might start with a little friendly conversation, then you share more about yourself and your interests. Sometimes you have an instant connection, chemistry, sparks flying. Other times, there’s nothing there. Maybe you make a new friend – at best.

It’s not just about personal connections – it’s also about your connection to a networking group itself.

I often get asked how I found the right networking groups for me.

I have to admit – it was a lot like meeting my husband, Jay.

I had to put myself out there, date around a bit and see where I was able to find a good mutual fit before I made a commitment.

Did you know that I’ve known Jay since we were in middle school? We had crushes on each other, and we dated for about 10 years after we had both graduated college.

We were long distance, on and off and we both dated other people during those break-ups. I would go in and have an initial knee jerk reaction of, “This feels great. I love this person. We’re a great fit!”

But here’s the thing: It wasn’t great. I’d have that initial rush of endorphins you get with a new relationship, but it wouldn’t last. There was never a mutual fit – like I had with Jay.

Once I had dated around, it was very easy for me to know exactly what I was looking for in a relationship, and I knew that Jay was the one. He was the one I wanted to commit to.

Finding the right networking group can be very much like finding the right partner.

It’s happened to me: I go to a new networking group, and I feel like I’m being love bombed with how great the group is, how amazing the members are and how incredible the benefits will be.

I rush to swipe my card to pay the annual fee to join.

And then – the love isn’t there.



I’m really blessed that I’ve found three great networking groups, in three cities and each with a different focus. But I didn’t find them overnight. I had to date a lot of different groups first before I found the right ones.

If this is you and you’re looking for the right networking group and struggling – it’s OK! You’re not alone. If it feels like it’s not easy right now, you’re doing the right thing.


Networking is dating. Keep looking for the right fit – it’s out there.

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